The commons-vfs-grid project is the home of the grid libraries developed on top of the Apache Commons VFS API. The libraries have been developeped to supoort the Storage Resource Broker, GridFTP, and soon in the future the iRODS filesystem. This project is also the home of Hermes VFS UI, which is a felixible user interface built on top of the Apache Commons VFS API.
Hermes VFS UI
Many technologies currently exist to make eResearch a possibility by empowering researchers to take control of the computing resources around them. The image of eResearch commonly depicted is a researcher in the middle of computer, sensor and storage resources, with the power to rule them all. The reality is that these resources are out there, but the researcher is not empowered to use them. Instead, the researcher is often confused and therefore detached from the massive potential and possibilities.
Hermes is a desktop client tool focused on empowering users to take control of data grid technologies and metadata repositories for their data management needs. Not only focused on users, Hermes has a flexible architecture which focuses on developers who want to connect clients to institutional metadata repositories without having to worry about links to the underlying storage - Hermes does this for you!